Monday, April 24, 2017


So I have noticed that the Lord in his scriptures is exceptionally good (perfect perhaps?) in saying exactly what he means. No room for a word that doesn't have quite the right meaning - within perhaps the confines of what any given language will allow. But the words are precise to a level that would befuddle any wordsmith, lawyer or others who want to twist those words and create havoc. I find also that those words are surprisingly accurate, to the point that a small word here or there provides tons of meaning if noticed and properly understood. They can be hard to find, and those little words can be God's gifts to the earnest and prepared student.

Today I thought I'd start in Nephi. I've been a big fan of Moroni and Helaman, but the greatness is throughout the book. Didn't take me long. I went to chapter 3 and noticed something immediately. This is the chapter where Lehi dreams a dream that results in the boys going back to Jerusalem. I noticed that Lehi states things a bit differently than I might, and therein the gem - at least for me.

First thing is in verse 2. "...In the which the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brethren shall return to Jerusalem".

Now, in my engineering background, the word "shall" is the strongest word available. There are no choices - the message is to do it. Related words are "may" or "should", but that didn't happen here. Clear language - you're going to Jerusalem. It's what you're doing. Of course the boys had their agency, but the Lord's directions and needs are clear.

Also I noticed that the Lord commanded Lehi that his boys are going. He could have said "The Lord has commanded that you boys are going to Jerusalem" and taken himself out of it. It's like "hey, don't blame me! The Lord commanded you do it - I'm just the messenger" but Lehi didn't do that. He said the Lord commanded "Me" that they go. So now we have not only the Lord making a command, but the father and earthly authority figure saying "This is what you shall do next". Much more powerful to include that word "me".

He did that in verse 2, and perhaps to prove to people like me that it wasn't a fluke of a word, he did it again in verse 4. "The Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brothers should go..."

So I read four verses today. Lots of meaning

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