Thursday, April 13, 2017

Spirits that deceive, and deceiving ourselves

So I felt that I should leave the book of Mormon today. It was with some hesitation doing so because I've gained new respect for some powerful people whose stories have come alive. Moroni for example will always have a special place for me now. 

But. To the Doctrine and Covenants I went. Section 50. The D&C has a different feel for me because its setting is a bit different, but I knew that was where I needed to be today. I started reading and looking for gems. 

It's about good and bad spirits trying to "guide" us, and how that can get screwed up. Clearly to me, there is a group of spirits (my committee) that is around me, ready to help, to guide, to clear the path, to teach, to show and to shepherd me. They are all about my success. Then there is another group certainly with less positive motivations toward me. Their goal would be to take me left when I should go straight, etc. To piss me off, to dislike someone who I don't understand, but I digress. 

"...doth he preach by the Spirit of truth or some other way? 18 And if it be by some other way it is not of god. 19 And again he that receiveth the word of truth, doth he receive it by the spirit of truth or some other way? 20 If it be by some other way it is not of god. 21 ... he that receiveth the word by the Spirit of truth receiveth it as it is preached by the Spirit of truth?

This whole spirit guidance thing is complicated! So you can receive false information by those who would guide you falsely. You can receive true information, but if you receive it in the wrong state of mind (proudly perhaps?) then it is not of God, because your proud head will screw it up before it goes anywhere. Or you can receive the truth, delivered by a messenger of God, but if you're not ready for it for whatever reason, it blows past you and it's either forgotten, ignored, or received in a way that gets soon twisted. 

It kind of goes me back to a place like - well if it's that hard let's forget that whole gift! But that is also the adversary. My role is to recognize gifts and guidance, then develop and grow them. It is only in this way that I can grow. Besides, the guidance I'm blessed to receive is something I wouldn't trade away. Other than my family, it's the one thing I'm most grateful for at the moment. 

But back to how to do it wrong. I have to flesh this out because I need to understand. Receiving truth while unready. This happens to all of us, perhaps on a daily basis. Truth from our guides, but I'm busy doing something. Truth at sacrament meeting, but I'm not listening because I'm thinking about my clash of clans strategy. Truth in priesthood meeting, but I'm not there because I'm hungry, or don't like the teacher's delivery, or whatever it is. Or just because I'm sitting there because I know that's what I'm supposed to do, but that's all I'm giving. I'm not searching for gems - just putting my body in a chair. It's better than my body in a chair at home, but it certainly shortchanges me.

Another scenario would be the "I'm not wistening" thing. When we're talking truth to the investigator for example. You can speak powerful words, all truth, all from God with the power of the Spirit, but if the receiver is listening with the intent to argue or find fault, the words and the gift of that truth are wasted. Then the question comes up as to whether this person is darkened for not listening. If so, it would be a service (unless guided by the spirit to speak to him that way anyway - think Samuel the Lamanite and other prophets) to not give him the truth. Perhaps for me, I'd give a person a part of the truth, gauge his openness, then continue if I feel that either a) he's open and receptive or b) the Spirit guides me to move forward. 

That's tricky too. It's hard, at least for me, to form words, read the other person, and listen to my guidance at the same time. I guess if I'm coming from the right place though, it's not hard at all. If everything is coming from the heart, I'm only doing one thing. I guess that's the point. 

And when it's me that's not listening? When I'm doing a home inspection out of schedule and not out of service? When I fail to strengthen a home that I walk in? When I let a spam phone call destroy my place? That's scary. Don't have a lot of answers for that one. I guess I'll have to rely on the Lord

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