Monday, August 21, 2017

Not lost can mean some things

So I hope I can fully describe the thoughts I have on this subject. It goes to the end of my comprehension - and surely it goes past there. It also goes to the end of my ability to write what I'm attempting to comprehend.

Moses 4. It is talking about the moment in the pre-existence, before this life, where the plan for all of us is being proposed and debated. I'm sure that God the Father had his own plan, and didn't need counselors or voting to arrive at the perfect plan. Nonetheless, two of his greatest spiritual sons put forth their own plan for execution. One was the man who became known as Satan, the other who became known as Jesus Christ. In this one I'm going to focus on Satan's plan and only mention that Christ's plan was to do exactly what the Father had in mind - but he would be the one to come to earth and pay the price. He had to know perfectly what that price would be.

Satan had another plan - a very alluring one. One that would draw not one third, but a third part of the hosts of heaven to it, and that third part would follow it to their own demise, to the point that they would be cast out and never have the opportunity to come to earth, gain bodies, and have the chance to learn and grow. They were looking for the "safeness" that Satan offered.

His plan was this: "I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, and one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor".

It seems both tempting and hopeless at the same time. Nobody is lost. We all get to come to earth, go through the motions, do what we are told, and then we come back just as we left - safe and sound.

The problem is that such a plan does nothing. It allows nothing bad, but it allows nothing good either. If a person doesn't have a choice to do badly, then he can't choose good either. There is no greatness, no growth, no opportunity, no becoming, no guidance. No building spiritual muscles and growing into something that has God-like traits. No approaching God's greatness. Nothing. In this plan, we might as well sit back and watch a movie of someone going through an earth-like experience as do it ourselves, because we are not in control of our thoughts, minds or actions. It would all be managed for us.

We're not lost per se, because that's not allowed in Satan's plan, but in following it, we are all lost to our greatness. My blog is focused on gifts and guides, but there would be no gifts - we wouldn't need them. You don't need gifts if you're just on the railroad through life sitting in your designated seat. You don't need guides for the same reason. You could get a robot - or potted plant - and name it after yourself with the same result.

So in Satan's deceitful way, he was right. Nobody would be lost. But what's the point? Nobody wins either. This reminds me a bit of some of the politics lately. People who don't think they are getting their fair share from life, so they want everyone evened out. No matter that they haven't stretched themselves - gotten a difficult education, worked their way through life, gotten up early, stayed late, not watched TV at night, etc. They just want "fairness".

If  you define fairness as everyone gets the same result, fairness is Satan's plan. If you define fairness as everyone gets the result of the gifts they have developed, the result of the choices they make, the result of how well they listened to their guidance received, then fairness is God's plan. Those of us on this earth chose God's plan. At least we were not in the third part that rebelled. Also, please not that this is not Christ's plan - it's the plan of God the Father, and Jesus aligned himself with it.

Now a more direct application: many of us on this earth still look for safety over stretching. It is easy to keep our existing routine - get up, commute to work, put in the hours, grumble about our wife, family, coworker, boss, the corporation, and then commute home, grab a drink, eat something, burn the evening hours with a pastime, and go to bed. Rinse and repeat. That's routine, and it's safe. We know that and it's normal. Everyone does it and so it's not a problem in any way, right?

It is if we're OK ignoring the gifts we've received. It is if we choose to ignore the guidance we might receive from on high. It is if we're destined to live a routine, "normal" life. If being saved means you've lived the routine life, then you're saved- but what a tragedy such a saved life is. What if we are gifted with the ability to inspire others? What if we have talents that could serve thousands and affect generations? What if we have the gift of speech, or writing, or spiritual strength, or art, or math, or love, and never recognize that gift? What if never seeking that gift means that it's not only never recognized, but never developed, and the generations that we could have served go unserved? What if in being "normal", we fail to find and develop and execute God's purpose for our being on earth? What if our routine prevents us from developing and executing our mission and being our purpose?

This is why God the Father had the right plan. When no one can become their own greatness, all are lost. I expect that God knew that many of us would fail to seek for greatness, choosing instead the news or our favorite TV series. He knew many would find small wins along the way, and I am certain he rejoices in those. But what if we set aside our routines and followed God's path for us? It's not the path that feels "safe", but it is the only path toward who we can become. The irony there is that from the rear view mirror, that safety in staying on the couch looks very dangerous - it robs us from what we can make from life.

From the rear view mirror, that's a terrible price to pay to be "safe". It's like the burglar that comes in to your mansion to rob you of everything - but in this case that burglar is you. We all rob ourselves from what we could have been when we make choices against our greatness.

Everyone has their own gifts. We all have different guides that are hand selected to get us to where we need to go. God and his angels are there to guide us, and point us toward our own greatness - all we have to do is unclog the communication pipeline, listen, and then act. It's the real "safe" way to live.

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