Monday, December 11, 2017


So I'm not sure what time or year you'll be reading this, whether it's 2017 or 2057, but this is a time when there is a lot of contention. Online arguments result in less listening and more snarling, name calling, and hateful discourse. We lament the time when two people could get face to face and discuss their viewpoints.

I've seen some more of that than I wanted to recently. I had a set of parents take umbrage with the way I was playing with their children. I used to be their teacher, and consider these kids to not just be an assignment I used to have. I try to love them and notice them, but sometimes I get in the way of myself apparently. It was an unpleasant encounter. 

Then this morning I see a person I know who films himself wearing a trump hat, walking around a group of angry liberal protestors. The way he was treated was appalling. I personally wouldn't do that because I don't have the time for it, and the confrontation troubles and weakens my soul.

But this is the time we're living in. Disagreements quickly fly into personal attacks, and people degrade themselves with the words and gestures that so quickly come to the surface. It is in this environment that I read in D&C 10:63-65 today. Here is the Lord saying that he's not fond of contention either. "And this I do that I may establish my gospel, that there may not be so much contention; yea, Satan doth stir up the hearts of the people to contention.. they do err, for they do wrest the scriptures and do not understand them"

Yeah, been there, and know those people. People that arrogantly pound the scriptures to prove with their twisted logic that they are superior, because they are right.

Then the Lord steps in. I notice that he doesn't take sides with anyone, he just extends an invitation: "65 For, behold, I will gather them as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if they will not harden their hearts". 

So - it doesn't matter how right or wrong your understanding of the scriptures may be, the Lord will still gather and protect you. He'll nurture you, but there is a caveat, and of course it has to do with us - not the Lord. If we harden our heart the promise of protection and nurture goes away. It's interesting to me that the condition the Lord extends has nothing to do with our interpretation of the scriptures, it's whether we choose to depend on ourselves or on the Lord. I can be wrong all day long, but if I look to the Lord earnestly for protection and care, I'll be blessed. I would also imagine that if I do that he'll guide me toward the truth. And if I'm open to him, I'll accept it.

I notice that the conversion for me would have nothing to do with arguing or name calling, or personal attacks, or unkind names thrown at me to get me to yield. It's about me, my heart, and the Lord.

It also occurs to me that this is an example of what it means to look to the Lord. If I'm looking to him for guidance and protection, this is not a glance sort of look. It's not a one look and done thing. He is my focus, my center, my backdrop, my protection. He is my teacher, my mentor and my defender, and the more I make him these things, the more he can deeply fill those roles for me.

But the limiting factor is not the Lord's willingness, it is me and my heart. What I will allow him to do for me based on where my heart and my willingness is at.

Verse 69 " the end, him will I establish upon my rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them."

There comes a time when I become less of a chick in the Lord's wings, and more of a stander on a rock. He knows how to make that transition - I don't. But I like the concept of being the rock-stander, who the gates of hell can't defeat.

May we set our hearts on soft cycle with the Lord, and look to Him to lead. It gets better that way.

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