I'm in Alma Chapter 41 today. Verse 1. "...for behold, some have wrested the scriptures, and have gone far astray because of this thing..."

Yes, I make words up a lot.
We've all heard the argument: "I've studied fill-in-the-blank-this and fill-in-the-blank-that, so I'm an expert. Now let me inform you of what I know and expect you to accept based on my expert and super-informed analysis. I am so much smarter than you"
OK, those words don't exactly get used in that order, but we've all heard a variety of them being used. It's not a church thing, it's a human being thing.

Google had a different perspective on the word. It says that the archaic (1830's) meaning is to "distort the meaning or interpretation of (something) to suit one's own interests or views." This sounds like what I described above. To use the scriptures not as a tool for learning, but as a weapon for winning.
Now let me step out on thin ice for a bit. It seems to me that a person who is truly wanting to be guided and led toward truth will find all sources available. He or she would consult with any wise or spiritual people they find around them. They would refer to the prophets who live today. They would study the subject in all books available, perhaps both the scriptures as well as books written by wise people whose opinion can be trusted. Finally and most importantly, they would consult with the Lord. This is done by asking sincerely and not only listening to the Lord's answer but being prepared to humbly act on the instructions. Moroni 10:3-5 applies here.
Here's the thin ice: if a person resorts to a single scripture or scripture set that supports his pre-determined opinion, and excludes other sources of truth because they don't support his opinion, he is wresting. As the Lord says in Alma, these people go far astray. These people and their opinions should be addressed from a distance. They can be loved as sons and daughters of God, but their forcefulness must be avoided or resisted as the case may require.
And do you want more thin ice? What about bible basher A who says "well, how about this scripture?" and then bible basher B says "well, check this one out!" and neither really considers either scripture, nor refers to the higher sources that are always available to them. These people may not be truth seekers - they might just be people who like to prove their own intellect and superiority. Their self-assumed "leadership" should be treated with suspicion. If your leader wants you to do whatever because he has a favorite scripture, and on that alone, you might want to consider finding a new leader.
Find a church leader who encourages personal prayer, study, relying on the spirit, on prophets and apostles. On not just the bible but the Book of Mormon and other scriptures. On gifts and personal revelation. On local leaders who are more interested in guiding you to happiness than on what you contribute to their wallet. When your leader focuses on you more, and what you can do to worship them less, you have a true servant leader. LDS bishops make no nickels off the donations of who they serve - it makes them better leaders in my opinion.
May we avoid being self deluded. May we avoid pride in any of our perceived gifts. If we have gifts, they are gifts from Another - not something we earned or own. May we seek truth, not battle for the win. May we seek depth, not just knowledge. May we learn God's love, not just memorize his words for use later on. May we wrest the pride out of our hearts, not argue forcefully to reinforce its presence.
Life is happier that way. I like happier.
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