Thursday, March 23, 2017

True Religion

Feeding His lambs
Back story

·       Homeless lady story: I was in West Valley and a homeless lady was sitting to the side of a gas station. Not asking for anything, no sign. Just sitting there. She had a dog that was drooling (hot day) and sleeping next to her. They had obviously been there for a long time. I didn't know what to do - she wasn't asking for money. Should I give her money? Should I say something uplifting? Acknowledge her as a daughter of God? The church and governmental organizations all ask us to give to organizations, not people, but she wasn't asking. Did that change the rules? What would Christ do for this lady?

August Ensign, Deiter Uchtdorf, “After love, then what?”
                            Elder Don Clarke “Practice Pure Religion”
Love is everything
Thomas S Monson  - Love is the very essence of the gospel          
Jesus called love “the first and great commandment” and said that every other particle of the law and words of the prophets hang on it
Love is the central motive for all we do in the Church. Every program, every meeting, every action we are part of as disciples of Jesus Christ should spring from this attribute—for without charity, “the pure love of Christ,” we are nothing.
Feeding the Lord’s lambs – and his sheep
The victim
·       John 21: 15-17
·       Feed my lambs
·       Feed my sheep
 What was Jesus trying to portray?
·       What is the difference between lambs and sheep
·       Sheep and sheep
·       Impact of three questions
·       What did he mean when he said feed? (mentor, spiritual, physical, more)
·       Why did Christ ask that question? 
We feed our souls when we feed His sheep, it’s about love
·       Judgment - eternal life eternal punishment
·       Mere declaration of love for God will not qualify us for exaltation
·       Those who demonstrated their love through action were saved
·       We feed others and ourselves through our own actions
True religion Howard hunter October 1978 I pray we may serve our fellowmen and remain unspotted from worldly influences, so that we may be worthy to be considered truly religious and receive the approbation of the Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1: 27

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