Friday, July 14, 2017

Sign me up

Today's reading is to me about signs. I go back to my mission and remember those who I was teaching. These were doubting people who at one point said "show me a sign and I'll believe".

I told them they were wrong. They still wouldn't believe after they were shown a sign, and having received one, they would be further condemned because they were provided a gift from heaven, but rejected it. That sign was a gift provided, yet sent back - returned to sender. It's like the child that gets a birthday gift and gives it back to the giver. Not a good way to motivate someone to give you other gifts.

I remember from my missionary days another elder in the group - he had been in catholic priest training for years and had a passion for book learning of the bible variety. Now more scriptural passion is always better, but only if it doesn't make a person think he can elevate himself and consider himself greater than, or less needy of the spirit to guide him.

This missionary was very good with not only the biblical scriptures, but had taken himself to learning the other LDS books with the same kind of fervor. He was a scriptoral master. I remember him going down the road of signs with one of my people who was ready for baptism. He taught my investigator, through the scriptures about signs, and why they follow faith - not precede. My investigator was extremely impressed and told me all missionaries should have that kind of mastery and approach. Despite that, I don't know if he stayed in the church. He seemed like someone who would rather be fed then feed himself.

The scripture is this: D&C 63:9-11: " cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe"

Hold that thought. It's interesting that the Lord doesn't say signs come after faith directly. They follow faith. To me that means that you go out believing - having faith - and live your life. Without the expectation of signs, you're living your life as well as you can, moving forward and relying on the spirit to guide you and Christ to save you. And as you do so? Here's a sign - a bonus for you. And then again - another sign. Not requested, not expected, maybe not even searched for - just there. Not to cause faith, but to confirm.

v10 "Yea, signs come by faith, not by the will of men, nor as they please, but by the will of God. 11 Yea, signs come by faith, unto mighty works, for without faith no man pleaseth God;

I noticed something else in there. "nor as they please" - as who pleases? Men. Signs don't happen because of a man's will nor as he wants one. Men don't command God. Men are not in control. Men don't get to decide when they get a sign. It's not something where you think of something you want, place the order with God, then tap your foot till you receive it. This places God in the role of a McDonald's drive up cook. That's not how it works.

May we have faith and do the best we can. May we see the signs, listen to the guidance we receive, and follow the guidance we get, then be grateful for the gifts and signs we get. May expectations of the Lord fall away from our lives and be replaced with gratitude.

It's a better way to live.

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