Friday, December 22, 2017

Which surpass all understanding

So I felt myself in need of a shorty today - lots to do this morning. So I left the book open from where it was yesterday, and there it was: a few verses of inspiration.

I'm in D&C 76 today, working from verse 114 to the end. So to begin, I'll cut out a few words to get to the direct meaning I'm looking for "But great and marvelous are...the mysteries of his kingdom...which surpass all understanding in glory, and in might, and in dominion"

First, I've been around long enough to know that the Lord isn't into repeating himself. The precision of his words is as perfect as the language allows him to be - so when he uses the words glory, might and dominion, those are three different things. I believe that to understand what the Lord is saying with these 3 words would yield some great understanding, but it's beyond my comprehension right now, so I'll go another direction.

115 "Which he commanded us we should not write...and are not lawful for man to utter; 116 Neither is man capable to make them known"

So I'm gathering that there are some gifts or mysteries that can't and shouldn't be shared. It goes even to the point that you couldn't do it even if you tried - but you still shouldn't try.

Of course, the vast majority of truth is something that the Lord needs and expects us to share - so how do you know the difference? I think in the case of these kinds of mysteries, you just know. For example, there are things learned in the temple that can't be shared outside of it. You just know.

It's not that everyone else doesn't get to know - the Lord's gifts and mysteries are available to everyone. But if you have paid a certain price (i.e. requesting, and being prepared for the Lord's gift), then others who have not paid that price in their own lives will not be ready to receive the gift. This can get very confusing as to who gets what, but the bottom line is this: for the super sensitive stuff, the Lord knows. He'll give each of us what we can handle, when we can handle it, and after we ask him for it. And of course, only the Lord knows that that kind of "ask" looks like.

This sort of subject can produce a lot of both thought and confusion. For example, someone may ask why, for example, I'm sharing the little things I learn from the scriptures. Even this little bit of wisdom may be shared to someone who has not asked, and may not be prepared. I don't have that answer, but I believe God does. Maybe the reader's level of "ask" may simply be that they have chosen to read this blog. That, after all, is a very distinct choice. Those who are reading it to be benefited will likely be benefited by the Spirit, regardless of the words I place here. Those who read to criticize will gain what they are looking for as well.

If I've confused you, I have no answers. Maybe I'll make one more stab at it. If I read a scripture and see an insight, I believe the Lord wants me to share that - within certain parameters. For example, I might not share this to a group of satan worshippers - it might not help them. The other side of the coin is that if I receive a personal visit from a divine messenger letting me know how to run an aspect of my life, then that's for me. I wouldn't place that on facebook.

May we seek this privilege of seeing and knowing for ourselves. That is one of God's greatest gifts, and one that he yearns to give us. We just have to open the door and invite him in.

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