Monday, February 18, 2019

Led by a woman - again

After the temple ceremony, and each time I go, I come away with profound respect for Eve. She got it - she always did. For me, and based on what I see and perceive, Eve was always way ahead of Adam - her role, at least partly, was to help Adam get it. What an amazing woman.

The fact that she is generally vilified among those who don't get it doesn't change her greatness one bit. Her greatness is. It just is. Opinions of those who don't understand doesn't change things. I guess that's another lesson that can be learned here, but it's not the direction I am going today. 

Then we run into Mary, Mother of Christ. Here is a woman whose greatness is generally recognized, but probably for the wrong reasons. Yes, being the mother of the Son of God is no small thing, but Mary isn't just someone else's mother - she is a spiritually deep soul who God the Father picked for a reason. Those reasons are not explored like they could be.

I love how Mary, like Eve, started things off. It came time for Christ's first miracle - turning the water to wine. As you read John 2, and watch the church video on that moment, you get that Mary knew it was time for Christ to begin his ministry. She was the one who understood that it was not just about getting more wine for the wedding attendees, she knew it was the beginning of Christ's ministry and miracles. She gave him the permission, the request, the authorization or the reminder that His time for miracles was now here.

It occurs to me that perhaps the two greatest moments in human history - the choice to leave the garden and the choice to begin Christ's ministry of miracles - was led out by a woman. They just seem to get it better than us males do sometimes. 

Christ was well aware of what was really happening, and his love and admiration for her was evident - even thousands of years later. His response was something like "I'll do whatever you say until my time comes". It shows great love and respect, and it reflects that he knows how things will end for him. 

Mary knew that Christ could and would turn the water into wine, she knew it was within his powers, she knew that he would do it for the guests, and she knew He would do it for both of His Fathers. She knew it was the beginning of a road that would end in pain that no mother could imagine. But she did so faithfully, perhaps even proudly, that it was now time for her Son to be who He is. The fear, the faith, the pride, the love and whatever other emotions she felt at the time can only be imagined. 

In any case, when an insurmountable problem arrived, she knew who to turn to. She did so immediately, and with confidence that He would solve it.

May we show that kind of faith. 


  1. I love how you said this! I hope you don’t mind but I saved a copy of it in my notes so that I can refer back to it again and again. Thank you for your insight!

  2. thanks for your comment! I just saw this. Not very good at this blogger thing but I really appreciate your commenting :)


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